Monday, August 08, 2011

...-=Something Beautiful I Want To Share=-...

I got this email tonight and thought it was too beautiful not to share... Enjoy!

Argue for your limitations and they're yours.
-Richard Bach, Illusions

Growing up, we all receive comments on our self-worth and abilities. We also
have experiences that leave us with beliefs about ourselves and every area of
life- relationships, health, success, prosperity, and our own value as a person.
These comments and experiences, whether positive or negative, shape our
beliefs about what is possible for us in life. Do any of the following sound

- You're a good girl (or boy.)
- You can't draw.
- You're good in sports. - You sing off key- just mouth the words.
- You'll never amount to anything.
- Relationships are difficult
- There's never enough money.
- You certainly have a gift with words.
- What makes you think you could be successful?

So now you're an adult, and you want to achieve your dreams. But all the
old limiting experiences still exist inside, telling you all the reasons why you
can't do what you want. You may also have other limitations, like being
too aware of other's opinions, not trusting yourself and Spirit for guidance,
or being more concerned with security in life than passion in living. Perhaps
you have discovered that "instant transformation" in a week-end doesn't
often happen. The process of understanding and working with those
apparent limitations takes time and patience. Imagine that you are weeding
the inner garden of yourself, lovingly and patiently releasing the old to plant
the new seeds. Step by step, you CAN recognize the beliefs that limit you
and change them.

How often have you said things to yourself or out loud such as:
- I'm stuck.
- I'll never get past this one.
- It's hard to change.

So- guess what- what you claim is what you get! When you say words like
this out loud or to yourself, you are continuing to claim your limitations. The
words say that you don't believe change is possible or that you're actually
not willing to change! Pay attention to your words, and start by changing
the way you talk to yourself. Tell yourself you are willing to change and grow.

Affirm that you are guided to any help you need in releasing the past. Go
to the mirror and tell yourself all the positive, encouraging messages you
wish you'd received in childhood. Talk to your Inner Child in a loving way.
Be committed to choosing thoughts that build you up and nurture you rather
than criticizing.

I call this "clearing the old menu items." Clear the past and create new items
for the Menu of Life! Use some of these affirmations to assist you:

-I have clear insights that assist me in releasing the past.
-I am willing to believe that I deserve a wonderful life.
-I begin my new life in this moment.
-I am willing to open my arms and claim the wonderful, fulfilling life I deserve.
-I choose to believe it is easy to clear the menu items I no longer want.
-Any resource I need for my emotional and spiritual healing
comes to me quickly and easily.

Be patient with yourself as you focus on the changes you want to make.
Resist the temptation to "should" on yourself and create more stress! Take
time to journal and meditate and visualize the changes you want. Give
yourself lots of support and praise for the changes you do make, however

What I know is that changing your life takes focus and commitment.
You are creating new mental patterns, so the more aware you are of your
thoughts on a daily basis, the faster you can change them to what you DO
want and then create wonderful new experiences.

And if you want to see some amazing positive change in your life, we
encourage you to attend a workshop, study group, or teleclass with
one of our trained Heal Your Life® teachers. The groups they conduct
are truly life-changing! If there isn't an HYL teacher near you, we also
have HYL Coaches who can work with you over the phone.

Make this the year you really go for your dreams! Not only will you
find greater fulfillment, the whole Universe will thank you.

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