Friday, June 18, 2010

...-=Empty Hearts=-...

I remember one day, walking with Michael on our way to the Moonlight Cinema the Summer I met him how anxious he was and I asked him what was wrong and he just started bagging his ex.. why they broke up and everything that she did that annoyed him. Then he suddenly stopped talking and walking at the same time, and looked me in the eye and then asked: "I wonder where all the love we had for each other go?"

And I ask myself the same question right now.

Losing yourself to someone, loving someone so much that you give your all to them... Thinking and feeling that the other person is the other half of your wholeness... then one day - it's gone.

The feeling.

Where does love go when it fades away?

I dont harbor hatred in my heart. I've learned to let go of anger and pain awhile back as I find that it is just myself that I punish. The pain of looking back at all the hurt, suffering and pain. Unrequited love and lost.. all of these are too negative for me to handle. I've learned that I'd rather dwell on the happy thoughts and look forward to having more happiness in my life. I would rather focus on seeing the beauty of all things living and share the love I have inside.

So.. I cant really say that there is no love inside my heart. And where an old chapter of my love and life used to live, there grows a more beautiful story to cherish and share.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

-=Shattered Shadows of Pink=-...

I've always thought of you as the person who I loved the most, cared for the most and have given my all to you - and yet, that is not enough. You said you love me and yet you abuse me.. no, you haven't laid a finger on me.. but the verbal abuse is more painful than a slap on the face or a punch in the guts. What hurts the most is when you accused me of not being there by your side and not giving you emotional support when I have completely lost myself in you - and yet that was not enough. You may not be aware of how the way you have treated me has crushed my spirit but mostly my heart. Though you were the love of my life, the month that I've lived with you was the most depressing month of my life, all the abuse I copped.. You never listened to a thing that I said only hearing what you wanted to hear.. and you ask me "what's wrong? why am I sad?" You're nice to me whenever you want to.. on your terms. But I have done nothing good for you. And you ask me "why am I miserable?"

I am sad to let you go.. Sad to move on from you.. You have been the greatest love of my life.. But none of these all mean to you..

And then you tell me that "You love me.. REALLY!"

If that is how you show your love, I'd rather not be shown it nor given it, for I have found a love where there is equality, understanding and can be together harmoniously... Of course it's not perfect and that we have arguments that are just plain silly. But what's important is that there is RESPECT and TRUST. And that is LOVE.

I'm sad to say goodbye this time as I know that this will be the final goodbye. I have cried so many tears.. for you. They were not worth it.
