Monday, January 01, 2007

...=-Happy New Year!!!=-...

I celebrated New Years Eve with Anita and some random people... really cool random people in this BIG house at Vaucluse. We had a good view of the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House and were surrounded by beautiful people. It was free-flowing booze and other stuff too that I refused to take. Besides, 2007 for me is a year of change right?! The 9pm fireworks were amazing. Anita and I were meant to go get her cardi from Neils car as she was feeling a bit cold (though it was a perfect night), but the fireworks started and she knows how much it means to me so we stayed to watch it and since I was pissy, I kept on spilling drinks on other people. He he he....
I also met some new people from Europe. Nick, who's Swedish. Chris, who's German. And Paul, who's English. I had a stalker for the whole night- Stuart aka Duffy-from Melbourne, who was escorting me for the whole night following me around like a sweet nice puppy. He was like so hyponitized by me that he does whatever I ask him to do. Like after the countdown to midnight, we danced to the beat of Michael Jackson and house and I threw a tennis ball in the pool and asked him to go get it for me and so he jumped in the pool... naked! He didnt want his clothes to get wet. I didnt like his friend Chris though... he was like full-on harrassing me the whole night asking me to kiss him and trying to touch me everywhere! I had to get out of the pool area just to avoid him. Therefore leaving Duffy behind and it was so funny hearing him yell out my mine... "Anna... come back... pls...!" LMAO!!!
Anyway... back to the countdown. We didnt hear the countdown. We just saw the midnight fireworks and the bridge "exploding". I felt sad at first.. gosh... 2006 was my crazy year. I partied non-stop, went to Europe and grew up. I was with someone special in the beginning of 2006, fell in love and got broken hearted. Felt the need to go away and so I did... it was a crazy year, a lot of things has happened... but never regret anything that I've done. It was fun... I had fun! I learned a lot about myself, grew up as a person. By late 2006, I sorta realized that I have to move on to better things. And I have. I see things in a different way now. I see things in a more positive way. I'm less moody, more patient and have more self-control. I am now in control of my life and I want to keep it that way. I also met my family in Europe.. Spain. They're such beautiful and lovely people. I'm so happy to have them in my life. Friends... my friends.... I love them to bits. They may get into my nerves sometimes but that doesnt bother me much anymore. Besides at the end of the day, I know that they will always be there for me. My new friends... They will not be considered as my friend if they're not special to me. You all know who you are. You may all be far away but you're all in my heart.
2007- A new beginning for the hot Bannana. I'm wishing for a healthier living, more happiness, love, more laughter and a new and brighter beginnings... not just for me... but for all of my friends out there. I cannot tell if this year will be a lot more fun than last year... but one can only wish for it.
To all my friends: Carpe Diem!!!

1 comment:

Juergen Nagler said...

Happy New Year! The Power of Now :) Juergen