Tuesday, April 19, 2011

...-=Amen to Gregg=-...

‎"When we do reach a point in life when we really want to open up and share ourselves with another person, we reach inside for our love, only to find that it's gone and has left a reservoir of emptiness in its place. We discover that we've lost ourselves little by little to the very experiences that we trust enough to allow them into our lives."

"The good news here is that those parts of ourselves that seem to be absent are never really gone. It isn't as though they're obliterated forever...they're part of our truest essense, a part of our soul. And just as the soul can never be destroyed, the core of our true nature can never be lost. It's simply masked and hidden for safekeeping. To recognize how we do the masking is to embark upon a fast path of healing. Calling back to us the parts of ourselves that we've lost may be the greatest expression of our personal mastery."  -The Divine Matrix, page 177-178, Gregg Braden

It is self explanatory. I don't think I need to elaborate on this one.

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