Thursday, January 29, 2009


"Don't stop to ask
Now you've found a break to make at last
You've got to find a way
Say what you want to say

-Swing Out Sisters - *Breakout*

I have a date on Monday! First time again in ages!!! I am excited and nervous at the same time.. but all my friends are saying that it's good and okay to be nervous. His name is Neil and he is English... from Leeds. He's got a really sexy Yorkshire accent and he makes me laugh! I just wish he lives close by as I think Hornsby is quite far and a bit of a treck. He was going to take me to an English place where I can have a Yorkshire pudding but he couldn't find one, he proposed on making me one instead.. but we opted to go out for dinner instead. How do I explain to him that I'm not really a big fan of Chinese? We can have Japanese or Thai, I dont mind them as it's not too oily and greasy. How do I also explain to him that I don't eat carbs after six!!!!??? Geez!!! Problems... problems... But... aside from that, all is well. He seems to be nice.. but then again, aren't they all nice in the beginning??? Hmmm.... We'll see what will happen... but he seems to be okay - for now anyway! :)

Wish me luck!!! :)

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