Thursday, December 14, 2006


I was speaking to one of my close friends who has moved to Perth last year and was complaining to him how I find Sydney boring now after coming back from Europe... then he said...."Anna, Sydney hasnt changed one bit.... it's you who's changed... you've grown up." I then started thinking... is that a bad thing?  I dont like to party as much as I used to anymore. I enjoy long quiet talks and a few glasses of wine better than going out clubbing and getting absolutely trashed. I think about my health more these days and am more reasonable. I'm more in peace with myself, trying to avoid being cynical and over-critical of myself. I'm now enjoying more of my me-time going to meditation classes and doing yoga more than hanging out with friends at Beach Road or Ravesis getting drunk at 2 in the afternoon. I now know what true happiness is... that it really comes from within... that it is the peace of mind that everybody's wanting.... I'm getting there... I'm starting to appreciate my life more than before... That my life although difficult sometimes is so very beautiful....
I find that the older I get the less friends I keep. I still have lots of acquaintances though... my party friends, thats what I call them. But only a few close ones.... Only a few who's really close to my heart. Only a few that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Friends that will always be with me no matter how far they are from me... never mind the different time-zones... because regardless of that, I know... we know... that we are together in spirit... in our hearts. Friends forever....

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