Monday, January 15, 2007

...-=Linking a Pervert to Another Pervert=-...

Not most of you would think that I'm a very naughty person.
Actually not everybody would think that except for a few men.
OK, just one!
I have been talking to my friend Jah about some very delicate topic that some of my friends dont really want to talk about.
I have toys... and I know that many of you would say:
There's nothing wrong with having them... after all they're not with me...
For now anyway.
It's with a good friend of mine who knows how to look after them.
Actually went to see them last week and they all look great...
Except for Alfie... poor Alfie has gone missing.
He said, the plumbers must have thrown him away as he doesnt look like a great sink plug.
Well... Alfie is not a sink plug in the first place... but a good toy... a cute bum plug.
People... I know you are all in shock.
Dont fear... it's okay to have toys... I actually call them my boys.
They're a lot better than sleeping around with some random guys.
Like Chewie has said: "Better than being a tart!"
I agree to that.
It's not that I am a pervert.
I just am a sexual person... who doesnt want to sleep around.
Anyway, my friend has told me to review this blog and see what I think about it...
It's a blog of a Canadian guy who is a pervert (like me and Jah *winks*)
Dude... I really like your blog and I think that it's worth tagging.
Really want to put a link of it on my blog but want to ask you first.
I think it's hilarious and uhmm... informative.
Perverts... unite!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad you enjoy. And you can absolutely link to me.

You can also send some "intimate" pictures. I'm pretty libertarian that way. I'm all about freedom!