Monday, January 15, 2007

...-=How Do You Solve a Problem Like Anna=-...

I had a big arguement with my Mum today about my moving out. She was asking me why I have to move out so soon (I was meant to move out late December). Obviously she's getting comfortable to having me around the house again. Bad! Definetly not good at all! The fact that they question every single thing that I buy (ie; make-up, shoes, clothes, more make-up), they also ring me when I'm still not at home by 9:30pm. Most of my friends would know that my parents live in far away woop-woop. The buses stops running at 7PM. Therefore if you miss the last trip, bad luck... catch a taxi home. I have to admit though, it's a pretty safe place... but I'm starting to lose my life. I am most times late for work, and havent been feeling the need to go out as it's just too much effort. Not unless I'm seeing Chewie or some of my close friends then I'l go...
Another thing... I got the job at Flight Centre... I turned it down though. The pay wasnt that good... plus I want this other job offer instead. I just cant make up my mind really....
Also... I dont want to be in a relationship... FULL STOP! My dear friends.... stop setting me up with other people... I'm just not interested.
So... there you go. My friends are saying that i have some major issues...
How do you solve a problem like Me!?

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