Wednesday, August 06, 2008

...-=Where I Want To Be=-...

"When you surrender to what is and so become fully present, the past ceases to have any power. The realm of Being, which had been obscured by the mind, then opens up. Suddenly, a great stillness arises within you, an unfathomable sense of peace. And within that peace, there is great joy. And within that joy, there is love. And at the innermost core, there is the sacred, the immeasurable, That which cannot be named."
- Eckhart Tolle

I have been here... and I lost it again. I thought it was easy to live by it. But it's true what they say, that you work hard for happiness - and the hardest thing to do is to let go of the past... and not worry too much about the future... Forgive and forget...

I will get back there eventually, and will endeavour to keep the stillness, the peace, the realm of Being... and will always and forever have that big smile on my face.

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