Day OneBuy one twelve pack.
Buy one large Pizza.
Buy one half gallon of Ice Cream.
Drink all the beer.
Eat all the pizza.
Go to bed and sleep for a few hours.
Eat all the ice cream.
Now you are sober.
Day twoBuy a twelve pack of beer
Buy a large pizza
Drink twelve pack
Go to bed
Eat pizza when you wake up
Now your sober
Day three
Buy a twelve pack of beer
Drink all the beer
Go to bed.
Day four
Buy a fifth of whiskey
Take a few shots
Go to bed
Day Five
Take a few more shots of whiskey
Go to bed
Day Six
Take a few more shots of whiskey
Go to bed
Day seven
Drink the rest of the whiskey
go to Bed.
Hurt is all gone and you have gained 20 pounds.
In the event that you puke your guts up the pain then stops right there because you wont be drinking the next day.
When the pain is gone go look for a new man or woman and get on with it.
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