My life is my big adventure... My many downfalls in love are what makes me as who I am now. I am never bitter though... I dont believe that we should regret our mistakes... but take them as a lesson - learn, never to forget. Live life, Love life! Carpe Diem!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
...-=Lesson Learned From A 19 Year Old=-...
...-=Not In=-...
Consider that as your lesson for today.
...-=Cynical But Hoping=-...
To which she replied: "I know.... and now these things are happening to me too... blah... blah... blah... I sometimes wish we live an ordinary and boring life......"
Friday, June 22, 2007
1:09 AM- My phone beeps. Hey Anna, sorry for big drama tonight. Shdn't invited AJ to dinner. Big pain in the arse!
Told him he was asking for trouble. And he said she's too much stress and asked me how to fix it up.
I didn't reply cos if I did, with Richard being a stupid muppet he'll do as I say. But... I found this on the net while looking for a new Myspace layout and thought I'd post it here on my blog as he reads it once a week anyway...
Rich... this is your Stress Reduction Therapy. Let me know how effective it is OK?
Thursday, June 21, 2007
...-=My Heart Feels... My Lips Cant Say=-...
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Hmmm... so silly! Okay... maybe if I say no then it will help. I think I have tried so hard already and it's not worth it. Some people will just not be nice even though you're nice to them. You cant just force them to. Not everyone will appreciate other people's kindness. Tough luck! Welcome to the real world!
If you cant deal with it... leave it!!!!!
So f*cking frustrating!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
She said: .... *silence* none....
The world in Anna's eyes... not perfect, will never be perfect, will not always be happy, but will try to work it out. Will always have hope, will always have love, will always have smiles and some tears, will always have a bit of both worlds.
And they wonder why...
I am happy and I am content... I am love.